
Digestion wasn’t something I gave much thought, that is until I began noticing some uncomfortable symptoms. Nausea, gas, bloating, heartburn and acid re flux. When I began working on my health, one of the key issues we needed to address was my digestion and gut health. I always thought taking a digestive enzyme was not necessary that my body would and could do it’s job without supplementation. As I began to read up on the many benefits of taking digestive enzymes, I learned that they help break down your food into more easily absorbed particles that the body can use to survive. Your body uses those food particles and metabolizes them. If we aren’t able to digest our food properly, we aren’t able to fully absorb the  nutrients and vitamins of the foods we are ingesting either. Here are a few more reasons to start supplementing with digestive enzymes: They help take the stress off the GI tract, assist the body in breaking down difficult to digest proteins and sugars like gluten and dairy. It also greatly improves symptoms of acid re flux as well as IBS. I began to notice my symptoms improving within days of starting digestive enzymes. I won’t be without them now, they provide much more than I ever thought. If you are looking for a good quality supplement, here is the one I take and currently recommend http://amzn.to/2cOfAgc

As always make sure you consult with your family doctor before starting to make sure that there are no interactions with any medications or precautions you need to take as well. Wishing you health and happy digestion!!! 

